I was sitting around, feeling kinda bored. I went to the refrigerator to see what was in there to eat. Hmmm, nothing I wanted to taste. So…
I’m like, “Okay, what can I do to feel better? What is something that I enjoy doing? The answer came almost instantly. A bright, dazzling, colorful picture flashed across my mind. I saw myself standing in the park with my camera. “Oh, yeah,” I thought, “I like taking pictures!” I decided to go out and find some that grabbed my attention.
I was in a furniture store (of all places) and I saw the tattoo as I was paying for my item. “Hey!” I smiled and pointed. “That’s cool! What made you get it?” She told me it was…Well, I forgot what she told me, but…
After her story, I asked her if I could take a picture of it. She grinned and said, you know what she said. Haha!
I like taking pictures of things that matter to me. Do you? Songs can come from that too. Are you ready to write your own song? The FUN activity, “Life Hacks and Music Love,” below is a GREAT start. Consider how you might enjoy this and jump in and do it!
Life Hacks and Music love!
Music Heals!
*All non educational materials/content provided/licensed via istock.
This FUN activity will help you begin writing your own song.
Get a few sheets of paper or your journal.
Get something to write with.
Bring your curiosity and willingness to explore something new.
Now, you’re ready, so let’s go!
*All non educational materials/content provided/licensed via istock.
Some cool pics I've taken!
Often, before I create music, I’ll go outside and look for stuff I like. It could be something unusual, fun, or just something inspirational in nature. Then, I take a picture of it.