The Body Language of
Calm and Confidence
how does your body language influence your confidence?
Many people don’t realize just how powerful their body language and words are. Think of a situation you’re having where you’re NOT feeling as confident as you’d like and answer the questions:
- What if you were twice as confident in that situation, what would you be doing differently?
- What would you be saying to yourself? What would you be saying to others?
- Instead of expecting the worse, what would you be EXPECTING to happen?
JOIN these ‘CONFIDENCE BOOSTING” students in this script so you can feel more confident too. Watch the video now.
Gameplay: Push Your Own Happy Button

Play this fun game and...
Make someone’s day (and your own). Yep. It’s true. Research shows that when you do something to make someone else feel good, it pushes your “feel good” button too! Haha. So, go ahead and try it and don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling happier and having more fun!